What is … ISO 50001?

ISO 50001 is a standard of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) for systematic energy management for companies. What criteria does this standard include? What are its advantages? What do I have to consider as a company? EnExpert explains!

Aim of the standard

ISO 50001 aims to help companies and organizations improve their energy flows and energy-intensive services through various systems and processes. This includes the development of unused energy potentials, the reduction of energy costs and the reduction of environmental impact. Furthermore, the standard aims to raise awareness among employees and the management level of a company on the topics of energy, energy management and energy waste. The aim is to enable savings potential to be exploited and to create competitive advantages and a positive image. 

How it works 

Companies must develop a strategic energy policy with operational energy targets and action plans to achieve the standard. An inventory, introduction and implementation, as well as regular reviews, allow companies to achieve their own goals and targets. Compliance with specific targets can then be demonstrated with certification. 


ISO 50001 is based on a continuous improvement process, which is based on the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) method. 

The planning

The overall responsibility of energy management lies with the management level. However, an energy officer or team should be appointed to act as a liaison between management and employees. In a written declaration, the energy policy, intentions and objectives are recorded. This declaration must be communicated within the company. 

In addition, an inventory or initial assessment of the company’s energy situation is carried out in this phase. The focus here is on the energy sources used, energy utilization and energy costs. 


In the implementation phase, the goals and processes are introduced and implemented, always in compliance with the currently valid laws, directives and regulations. In this step the realization of the energy management system takes place.

The review

In the form of internal audits, compliance with and evaluation of energy-relevant regulations are checked. Systematic controlling is carried out with regard to legal as well as internal requirements. The results are documented and reported to the management level.

The improvement

Finally, the management review is carried out. The results from the review are evaluated with regard to their degree of fulfillment. Corrective or preventive measures are initiated, energy-relevant processes are strategically optimized and new goals are formulated. The entire process is


Certification is carried out by accredited certification organizations. Certification confirms to the company, the functionality and efficiency of the implemented energy management system. Furthermore, the company can communicate its environmentally oriented actions and commitment to the public.

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