Our solution

Our innovative energy management system aims to monitor, optimise and ultimately reduce a company’s overall energy consumption with high accuracy. This can reduce electricity costs by up to 20%. But also the use of fossil fuels is reduced and thus the CO2 balance is sustainably improved.

Electricity, gas, heating, water and CO2 are monitored. Intelligent IoT sensors are installed throughout the company for this purpose. Existing systems, such as PV systems, battery storage or charging stations, are integrated for an overall view. The consumption data is then recorded, monitored and analysed in a cloud database. The result is finally visually presented in a clear and comprehensible way on our EnExpert platform. This allows data-based energy concepts and forecasts to be created based on energy consumption and production, in addition to sustainable energy optimisation.

For each of our customers, we offer customised solutions in order to directly identify and sustainably optimise the industry- and customer-specific problems.

Our customers

Thanks to our experience, we can offer a tailor-made energy management system to the following customer groups:


No matter whether you are a large wellness resort or a traditional city hotel. Unnecessary sources of energy costs are hidden in all hotels of all sizes. We monitor, analyse and optimise all energy flows, from wellness area and kitchenettes or restaurant to each room...

Manufacturing industry

Energy-intensive machines and complex processes are part of every industrial company. Unfortunately, this is also reflected in the electricity bill. At EnExpert, we optimise and reduce your energy flows without compromising quality or affecting the end product.

Public utilities/ municipalities

With or without sensors, our EnExpert platform can also be used in a variety of ways by municipal utilities. Our machine learning-based analytics software can help to optimise municipal utilities and identify new opportunities. In addition, we support municipalities in creating energy plans, saving resources and becoming climate-neutral.


Do your customers also continually ask about possibilities to save energy? From craftsmen to industry to large hotels – we offer a customised solution for each of your customers.

In order to meet the increasing requirements for energy efficiency and sustainability, we have additionally integrated the following features:

Integration of artificial intelligence

EnExpert Energy Management uses artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the analysis of energy consumption data and automatically generate optimisation suggestions. AI also helps to make predictions and detect anomalies in energy consumption.

Automated control

We use automated controls to optimise the companies' energy consumption. For example, the system automatically adjusts heating, ventilation and air conditioning to reduce energy consumption.

Integration of renewable energies

We simplify the integration of renewable energies such as solar energy. For example, the system helps to distribute the company's energy consumption to the times when renewable energy is available.

Data analysis and reporting

Our platform allows you to perform detailed data analysis and reporting to enable effective monitoring and evaluation of energy consumption. These reports are user-friendly and easy to understand.

Our energy management

explained in a nutshell

It works as simple as that:

Our energy management system

Our energy management system is simple and clearly structured. There are only eight steps from installation to saving electricity and money. See for yourself!


Our plug and play IoT wireless sensors are easy and cost-effective to install.


Live consumption of electricity, gas, heating, water and CO2 is monitored.


Already existing systems, such as PV systems or battery storage, are integrated.

Data collection

The data is captured in a secure cloud database and displayed in our client dashboard.


The consumption data is analysed on our exApp and consumption patterns are detected.


Thanks to our AI, automatic control of the machines can be operated.


Energy consumption and self-produced electricity are optimised.


Energy consumption is reduced, costs are lowered and one acts more sustainably.

Our sensors

What we monitor

Through our own intelligent IoT sensors and the integration of existing systems, we can create an overall view of all energy flows in the company.


We also monitor the car park and the e-charging stations. Our exCar is used for efficient organisation and use.


Our sensor for heating, exHeat, is non-invasively connected to the heating pipe and uses ultrasound to monitor the flow.


We use the exCO2 to monitor the air quality. This measures the carbon dioxide load and, among other things, also the humidity.


To ensure that the self-produced electricity in the energy storage and storage batteries is also used and controlled sensibly, we use exStorage.


To measure water consumption, we use our exWater. Similar to the exHeat, a non-invasive installation measures the flow.


Our gateway and the heart of the entire operations is called exControl and collects all the data every second.


Our current sensor is called exPower. It is installed in the switch box and monitors the entire current flows in the building. Details ›


Our "sunny" exSun monitors and analyses the PV system. Together with weather models, it is also used to forecast production.


Our temperature sensor is called exTemp and measures the indoor and outdoor temperature. Due to its special design, data is reliably transmitted even outdoors in sub-zero temperatures.


Our platform

Our energy management software tool exApp collects and analyses all the measurement data from our sensors and external integrations. Furthermore, optimisations are detected and processes are controlled with the help of our machine learning algorithms. In addition, we integrate weather data (sunshine duration, weather forecasts) and data on national electricity production (CO2 emissions, % renewable energy), as well as electricity prices (spot prices, balancing power prices), in order to present customers with an overall energy picture. overall energy picture to customers.


Your benefits with EnExpert energy management

With the EnExpert energy management system we can offer you many advantages

Cost reduction

Our optimisation of energy consumption and maximisation of the use of self-produced electricity can save up to 20% of energy costs. In addition, our individual data-based energy concepts and forecasts provide decision-making support for future investments.

CO2 reduction

Optimising energy consumption and using energy from sustainable sources leads to CO2 reduction and reduced use of fossil fuels. With our energy management system, you can sustainably improve your CO2 balance and make your contribution to the environment.

Competitive advantage

The cost reduction and transparent communication of the sustainable CO2 balance leads to new marketing potential and brings competitive advantages. In addition, new customer fields can be addressed.